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Individual-oriented relationship education: An evaluation study in community-based settings. Family Process, 2015, 54: 686–702. Authors: Pallavi D. Visvanathan, Melissa Richmond, Chandra Winder, and Cynthia Hoskins Koenck.
Substance use and mental illness among nurses: Workplace warning signs and barriers to seeking assistance. Substance Abuse, 2014. Authors: Alexa Cares, Elizabeth Pace, Jean Denious, and Lori A. Crane.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) as an integral part of nursing practice. Substance Abuse, 2014.Authors: Deborah Finnell, Shahrzad Nowzari, Brie Reimann, Leigh Fischer, Elizabeth Pace and Eric Goplerud.
Screening for alcohol in dental practices. Metro Denver Dental Society: Articulator, 2014, 19(2), 16. Authors: Carolyn Swenson and Rachel Steffl.
Marijuana in the workplace: A growing concern for employers. Journal of Employee Assistance, 2014, 44 (3), 10-14. Authors: Tamara Cagney, Christopher E. Knoepke, and David W. Mitchell.
Associations between substance use, depression, and work outcomes: An evaluation study of screening and brief intervention in a large Employee Assistance Program. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 2014, 29(1), 1-18. Authors: Melissa K. Richmond, Jennifer L. Shepherd, Fred C. Pampel, Randi C. Wood, Brie Reimann, and Leigh Fischer.
Trends in detection rates of risky marijuana use in Colorado healthcare settings. Substance Abuse. 2013. 34(3), 248-55. Authors: Melissa K. Richmond, Katie Page, Laura S. Rivera, Brie Reimann, and Leigh Fischer.
Screening for alcohol in primary care: A report from Colorado. Colorado Academy of Family Physicians News, 2014, 3rd quarter, 35-35.Author: Carolyn Swenson.
Calabrese, G., (2024, November 21). Assessing substance use prevention needs and opportunities in rural communities: The landscape of adolescent SBIRT in Colorado [Conference Presentation Abstract]. 20th Conference of The International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol & Other Drugs, Barcelona, Spain.
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Moreno, N., Swenson, C. (2024, November 14). Preparing Colorado health professional in primary care and school-based health centers (SBHCs) to intervene early for adolescent substance use through Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) [Conference Presentation Abstract]. 2024 Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction Conference, Chicago, IL.
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Langston, V., Taylor, K. (2024 September 20) When Advocacy Can Make a Difference [Conference Presentation]. 2024 Colorado Nurses Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Westminster, CO.
Marino, N., Swenson, C. (2023, November 2) Opportunities to Equip Colorado School Health Professionals with Evidence-Based Practices to Identify and Address Youth Alcohol and other Substance Use [Poster Session]. 2023 Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction Conference. https://amersa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023-Book-of-Abstracts-FINAL-1.pdf
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Calabrese, G., Swenson, C. (2023, September 21). Community Partnerships to Improve Adolescent Substance Use Prevention [Conference Presentation]. Public Health In the Rockies, Keystone, CO.
Musielewicz, A.,Swenson, C. (2023, September 12). SBIRT Goes to School [Conference Presentation]. Colorado Department of Education Fall Conference, Colorado Springs, CO. https://2023cdefallconferenceb.sched.com/event/1QXWm/sbirt-goes-to-school